Sama Alshaibi Video Screening

Together Apart
Sama Alshaibi will be participating with her video-still Together Apart in the aCinema production An Answer Without A Question, screening 6 April 2018. The viewing begins at 7.00 pm at the Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee USA and will approximately run for 60 minutes. Alshaibi’s contributing film will feature a singular body alternating between receiving and removing garlands of flowers from her shoulders. Garlands are also known as tokens of love and blessings to either welcome or bid farewell. Together Apart is a personal reflection of the artist’s own history as a refugee.
Sama Alshaibi is presented alongside other artists such as Kandis Friesen, Akosua Adoma Owusu, Ananda Serné and Aliénor Vallet.
aCinema is a non-profit organization dedicated to the monthly exhibition of works by moving image artists from around the globe, creating a platform for artists of all career statuses to share a common exhibition space. 
6 April 2018