Rula Halawani

Light in Wartime

Rula Halwani is participating in the exhibition Light in Wartime, organized by Rola Khayyat at Apexart, a non-profit arts organization in New York, USA from 7 June  – 28 July  2018. The exhibition brings together photographers whose works shed new light on war, both forensically and symbolically. The presented images intend to challenge the conventions and limitations of traditional reportage, underlining the tensions between art, fiction, and photojournalism.


Halwani showcases her photographic digital print Untitled, from The Bride is Beautiful, But She is Married to Another Man series. Other notable photographers included in the exhibition are Vartan Avakian, Allan deSouz, Ziyah Gafic, Nilu Izadi and Seba Kurtis.

7 June – 16 July 2018